Viszera Stomach Sugery Munich

Viszera Magendarm MünchenViszera Stomach Surgery Munich is home to renowned specialists in surgery and anesthesia. For years, they have been working hand in hand in the operating room. Even patients with accompanying illnesses are in good hands with us: Viszera Munich is connected to clinics in which a wide range of health problems can be treated. One focus is on bariatric surgery and on the surgical treatment of reflux disease with the LINX® Reflux Management System. In addition, our co-operation clinics, where Viszera doctors operate, have state-of-the-art operating theaters, state-of-the-art medical equipment and well-trained staff.

First Class Hotels

If you like to, we can do a reservation for you in one of our partner hotels. The Westin Grand Munich is just over the street and the Sheraton Munich Arabellapark Hotel is where our medical practice is located. We also can organize  your shuttle from the airport or Munich main station, if you travel via plane or train.

Highly qualified Doctors

Help with reflux disease

LINX Reflux Management SystemGastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is particularly noticeable with acid regurgitation and prolonged heartburn. These complaints are caused by the fact that the occlusive mechanism between the esophagus and stomach no longer works. As a result, a mixture of chyme, gastric acid and bile can flow back into the esophagus and thus trigger the typical reflux symptoms. A new, gentle surgical method is the LINX® Reflux Management System. A small procedure removes the heartburn and the cause of the reflux disease.